Latest News
As a means of providing ongoing community information, MLC now does emails instead of postal mailings on an as-needed or required basis to update the owners and residents. Please make sure we have your current email to insure that you are up to date on what is happening in the community. Board meetings may be done by Zoom when necessary. Contact MLC at with any questions or concerns.
BACTERIA TEST KITS are available. Please click here for more information on how to get one.
OFFICERS & DIRECTORS MEETINGS are held the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm at Community Center. Residents welcome to attend at 7:00 pm. Board meetings may be done by Zoom when necessary.
MLC STICKERS MUST BE AFFIXED to all vehicles, including ATVs, motorcycles, snowmobiles, boats and floating docks. Please email to obtain these stickers.
MOOSIC MOUNTAIN PRESERVE. Go to Phone Numbers & Related Links to learn more about The Nature Conservancy’s preserve right in our back yard!